Monday, August 29, 2011

Wow We've Been Gone Long But Here's an Update!

Butch and I went out to Denver to visit our two oldest girls and had a wonderful one week visit...

...before Butch flew back here camera-less because I took off to Cherokee Park Ranch with cousin Jeanette for a "dudette week" of riding at the awesome Cherokee Park Ranch in Livermor, CO

Meanwhile back at our ranch...our trustworthy professionals have been bangin' away at the siding while the plumber and electrician have been plumbing and wiring. The Hardy siding looks a very pretty pale yellow in the photos; however the house will be painted a deep moss green once once it's all up and I pick the actual shade of green. Trying to blend in with the environment...

Outside Views of Front and Back...

Wiring and Pipes...

Kitchen Counters...

First from the Living Room side looking toward the Dining Room on the right...

And here from the Dining Room toward the Living Room to the left and the Study behind...

1 comment:

  1. Love looking at your pictures of building "Tideland Haven". My husband and I are planning to use the same plan when we start building on our property in Lebanon, TN. There are SO many questions I'd like to ask. Can you send me your email address? We are already getting ideas from yours. I like the tornado shelter idea. I would like to have the extra storage, but I really like the openess of the original plan with the dormers. My email address is Thanks!
