Monday, August 29, 2011

Wow We've Been Gone Long But Here's an Update!

Butch and I went out to Denver to visit our two oldest girls and had a wonderful one week visit...

...before Butch flew back here camera-less because I took off to Cherokee Park Ranch with cousin Jeanette for a "dudette week" of riding at the awesome Cherokee Park Ranch in Livermor, CO

Meanwhile back at our ranch...our trustworthy professionals have been bangin' away at the siding while the plumber and electrician have been plumbing and wiring. The Hardy siding looks a very pretty pale yellow in the photos; however the house will be painted a deep moss green once once it's all up and I pick the actual shade of green. Trying to blend in with the environment...

Outside Views of Front and Back...

Wiring and Pipes...

Kitchen Counters...

First from the Living Room side looking toward the Dining Room on the right...

And here from the Dining Room toward the Living Room to the left and the Study behind...

Saturday, August 13, 2011

And Now For The Photos...


The Framers are working on the soffits...great guys all...and we are wowed by the outstanding job they've been pleased!!!!!

Dining Room windows on left and Sitting Room windows on right...

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Baby It's Warm Outside...

But our home will be warm this winter with our wood burning fireplace. It's set into the wall now...the furniture needs some arranging though... HVAC work is in progress and vents are being placed in appropriate spots. While the guys are busy onsite, I'm in town perusing fixtures - lights and plumbing and sinks and tubs and tiles - all of which I love shopping for and pulling together for each of the rooms. It's non-guilty shopping for me!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Roof On and Windows Going In

The house is really starting to feel more like a house now that the roof is on. Windows are going in and soon the wood-burning fireplace will be set in place. Today was 106 degrees so no rush on the fireplace...

Southeast side of the house.

Front or south west side of house

Butch looking over the fireplace insert.

Flue pipes

Insert walls of the fireplace

For those of you who have expressed an interest in visiting once our new home is complete, this is your room - The Diamond Head Suite! You'll love the view of the woods and on a clear day you can see the Hawaiian our hanging art.

Attic space now that roof is on.

Garden Growing Even in This Heat

While many of the items we planted haven't done well due to spring gully-washers, late planting, bugs and the heat, certain ones are growing green. We've decided they are the most expensive produce items in the nation!

Butterfly attraction...

Monday, August 1, 2011

Back to Arky and Photo Taking...

Butch and I were in Seaside, FL for a fairy tale wedding these past few weeks thus the interrupt in our house photos. For our ever faithful framers and contractor who worked throughout that time in heat higher than the FL temps, I am forever thankful. They have been able to keep the job moving forward.

Some photo updates...

Living room wood burning fireplace is starting to take shape. The unit itself should be in soon.

Master Bathroom - glass block windows openings in jacuzzi corner.

Attic storage

Our friends Donna and Gary Moffitt tour the attic.