Thursday, July 7, 2011

All This Work For...NOT MUCH!

Weather this spring/summer has been pretty awful for all gardeners here in NWA. Our neighbor who, as an example, usually puts up 300+ jars of beans, jarred 35 a few weeks ago. Due to the heavy spring rains, gardens went in late; then, we went from rains to very hot which stunted plants. What did come up i.e. lettuces, have been bitter to the taste. Folks here are hoping for a good fall crop and we will plant again hoping the same. Notes to self...raised beds and drip irrigation for next spring.

First, and so far, only tomato! Gorgeous but destructive caterpillars ravaged several plants and one isn't doing well with the extreme heat. All this presents an excellent argument for hydroponics...ah well, next year maybe...

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