Sunday, June 12, 2011

The Good Lord Was Willin' and the Creek Didn't Rise...

Our building site finally dried out enough for the guys to dig the foundation trenches, lay the rebar and pour the cement. Butch goes up daily and helps the workers and is learning all about building a house. Being that manual labor is not my idea of fun, I just wander up occasionally to take photos and commiserate with all the guys about the heat and the bugs...oh, and the snakes. Then I mosey on back to the comfort of our A/C'd barn.

1 comment:

  1.'ve gotten a lot accomplished since I last checked your blog! It is really coming along nicely. After all these awful tornadoes, that tornado shelter is a great idea!

    We had dinner last weekend with Nancy Gore, Murrah's and John Rudolph at Tropical Acres...and Caroline Greenlaw joined us when she had a minute. It was great fun!
