Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Bees and Granddaughters

Next week we visit our dear darlings in Florida...Bryn, Andy, Chloe, Millie and Brianna as well as my three sisters, and Butch's family. Chloe invited her Pa to speak with her class about the farm he is developing so today we took photos of the progress his bees are making. Unfortunately you can't see the "Official Beekeeper Outfit" I'm wearing as I was taking the photos. Butch, ever the gentleman, let me wear the more protective gear. I'll suit him up for photos another day. I just love a man in uniform!

Opening up the hive...

Smokin' the bees...

Checking the progress...combs forming and there is honey in some of the cells!

Closing the hive back up and no stings for either of us!

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